18 Sept 2011

...absolutely exhausted but happy

Wow, what a weekend! I feel so privileged to have worked amongst such wonderful people at the Feast of Dorset. The foodie community in Dorset is full of real diamonds.

Highlights for me were meeting Lesley Waters; helping her find some elderflower berries & blackberries for her demo & then helping her find her bag when she left it in the orchard. She was so delighted she gave me a copy of her fab new book 'a year at abbots hill' and signed it for me with the message 'dear Lisa you are a star'.

Even though it was Tamasin Day-Lewis's birthday, she came along for our Q&A session & was such a good laugh. She highly recommended the Mill tea & dining rooms which is where she was going for her birthday dinner, I'll definitely be checking them out.

Another highlight was meeting Emma from thestylebox and her husband Nick from lostinthelarder, who are both so lovely. We had a cracking chinwag about, well lots of things, food, Twitter, blogs, slacklining...fantastic.

Finally, Anna Del Conte was a real delight as always. So Italian like my aunts and so down-to-earth.

After working two weekends in a row I'm knackered but very happy to be able to work at these lovely events.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you had a nice time in between all your busy-ness! Was lovely to meet you and I'm sure we'll cross paths again soon! I hope you had a long relaxing bath and a big glass of wine last night! :) x
