23 May 2014


What would you miss if you lost your sight?

Personally, this is a question I have often thought about...From the age of seven I had very poor eye sight which seem to worsen with every trip to the optician. I mainly put this down to delinquently continuing to read in the dark once my parents had asked for lights out!

Once my prescription had stabilised at an impressively blind -8.50 I was lucky enough to have laser eye treatment. Unfortunately, the first treatment left a residual prescription of -1.00 and because I couldn't wear contact lenses until my eyes had healed from the lasik, I felt worse off for a year until I could be retreated with lasek.

Now being able to see just doesn't get old. Ask Sam... he can tell you how many times he's had to listen to me exclaim "I can see!"

My darling friend Jaya works for the Dorset Blind Association, who are being forced to close a very effective club for young (working-age) blind people.  She told me "We are trying to raise £12,000 to keep the club going, because it makes such a huge impact on those who attend."

To raise awareness of their cause, Jaya and her team are asking people to upload pictures or videos representing what they would miss if they lost their sight, using social media with the hashtag #whatwouldyoumiss." 

To kick start this, I would very much miss seeing these little faces...

and my family...

And the chance to see this again...

Facebook a photo of ‪#‎whatwouldyoumiss‬ and
donate via www.tiny.cc/wwym or text WWYM14 £3 to 70070

22 May 2014

... 101 days and counting

So Jesse is 101 days old today.

He has moved from his moses basket to his cot but is still in our room with us.

He is on to size 3 nappies and at last week's weigh in was 14lbs 12 oz

He has the cheekiest grin in the morning times.


He loves a good giggle with Patch his dog from Zia Carly and Uncle Charlie.

He has nap time in the pram with Long Neck his giraffe from Karen (daddy named him).

He stares at the colours and snuggles with the blanket from Natasha.

He likes a good thump about on the computer just like his daddy.

He has rolled on his back from his tummy (but we think it was a fluke as he's only done it the once) and he is desperate to sit up. He does these cute little crunches with his little elbows tucked in to let you know he wants up. Thanks for the octopus and the baby-gro now fits him, Amy.

He enjoyed a visit from his little girlfriend Aurelia (Lady A), who was quite taken with Badger.

And Jesse's pretty fond of Badger too.

We just want to thank everyone for his gifts, we have been completely overwhelmed by your generosity and send our love to you all x