25 Mar 2014

...Six weeks later

These last six weeks have been like nothing I've known as Sam, Badger and I get to know Jesse.
Needless to say we are completely in love, and as time is short (he has just filled another nappy), here are some of my favourite photos from the last few weeks.

Love that little face x

6 Mar 2014

...introducing my son Jesse

Our son Jesse Ron Reynolds was born on Monday 10th February at 7.54am.

My waters broke at 5am on his due date, Sunday 9th February - very punctual, must get that from his father. 

After labouring on a yoga ball for seven hours, Sam took me to St Mary's maternity hospital in Poole where we got to work in delivery room number nine.

By midnight I was still only 8cms dilated. The midwife told me they were going to induce me to hurry it along (they don't like to leave the baby in for too long after your waters have broken) so I opted for a spinal block. Jack, the fab anaesthetist, took my pain away and at 5am I was ready to push. 

After a lot of pushing and no baby, the doctor decided on a forceps delivery. So three pushes and a little help later out came a screaming Jesse Ron. The coolest part was that one of the nurses had told me to keep my hand on my bump, so when he came out I actually felt my bump disappear.

Even though the little dude didn't appear stressed on the monitor, the cord had been around his neck which was why we weren't getting anywhere. But here we are...