25 May 2017

...obsessing over Wilder and Wren


We are obsessed with this cool bespoke print from Wilder and Wren. My friend Beth lovingly handpicks and presses the petals herself here in Dorset while looking after her baby, Wilder.

Sam was set on the name and called my bump Knoxy from the moment we knew he was a boy. While I wanted to meet him first as it's kind of a strong name. What's your baby naming story?

20 May 2017

...Knoxy is 101 days and counting

So Knox is 101 days today.

We have just finished painting his nursery ready for him but he's still in our room at the moment.

He's in size two nappies but I reckon he needs a size three now, as he weighs 14lbs 7ozs.

He has the cheekiest grin when he's breastfeeding, like we are sharing a joke.
His friends Bunny and calamari keep him amused while I'm in the shower in the mornings.

He rolled on his back from his tummy which felt like a fluke because he was on me when he did it and he keeps kicking his legs to try and turnover.

His favourite thing in the world to do is be sick on his daddy's shoulder, especially when he's wearing a black top.

He's already been to two sleepovers at his girlfriend Athena's house and one at Auntie Will and Uncle Laura's. He's a busy baby.

The person that makes him smile the most is his best friend Billy.

While his big brother Jesse is the best thing since sliced bread, these two are as thick as thieves...

Poor little mite suffers from silent reflux but for the moment renitidine seems to be keeping it at bay.

28 Jan 2017

...introducing our son Knox Noah

Unlucky for some but very lucky for us, our baby boy Knox Noah Reynolds came five days early on Friday 13th January.

After a late growth scan the consultants were concerned that the baby was measuring too big for me so had booked me in for an induction the day after my due date. 

The following day I had a bit of a show and started having irregular contractions so I was pretty sure the baby was as keen as me to avoid the induction and wanted a waterbirth like his mama. After Jesse's assisted birth he was very upset for two months and I hoped for a more gentle arrival if at all in my power with his brother. 

When I visited the midwife on the Thursday she examined me and found I was 3-4cms dilated. That afternoon the contractions increased and we went to the Haven Suite at 8pm. You should have seen Sam's face when we got in the suite, it was as if we had booked into a five star hotel! But in comparison to the delivery suite it really was.

I plumped for paracetamol and codeine as gas and air didn't seem to help with the pain last time, just spaced me out. I found the breathing techniques I learnt through pregnancy yoga were really effective helping to move me above the pain. My midwife was amazing, so supportive getting me in the pool and encouraging me to carry on with my breathing when it was getting hard. 

My waters broke and the pressure was incredible as the baby hit my pelvis and I almost lost my shit. Luckily I'd briefed Sam to remind me to breathe which he did and stopped panicking and got myself together again. Knox was born 17 minutes later at 4.09am.

As grateful as I am that I managed to have the waterbirth, I have to say I don't think there really is an easy way to give birth. My midwife said she would hear me say after a contraction  "oh that was a painful one" but she hadn't even realised I was having a contraction as I'd been so quiet. It's the only time I ever go quiet! 

Knox was 8lbs 8ozs, not a small baby, and I feel like he was very ready to come out as there wasn't a lot of room left for him. So much love to Sam for helping me through it every step of the way. 

Sam filmed us meeting our little boy..,

22 Apr 2016

... celebrating Jesse's second birthday

February is a month chockfull of boys birthdays for us.

My dad was a Valentine baby and all us girls have chosen partners who are aquarians too. Bit of a coincidence...

Jesse is also keeping that tradition with his 10th February birthday, just five days before his own daddy.

This year we celebrated by taking him to Marwell Zoo to see the 'tigons' and penguins. Mostly, he loved running and running up and down the trails. When an impressive tiger came into view we couldn't attract Jesse's attention away from the tractor train, little dude.

We ended the day surrounded with cake and family, his favourite things.

17 Jan 2016

...remembering Christmas 2015

...Remembering Christmas 2015

While this wasn't the easiest of Christmases, Jesse and I both caught Hand, foot and mouth, it was the first Christmas that our little fella was actively involved in our traditions.

We could see him soaking it all in. The foundations were laid for the future and his phrase 'Father Christmas Tree lights' seemed to cover it all!

Here are a few photos from our Christmas festivities:

Boys choosing the Christmas tree 

Visit to Santa at Stewarts Garden Centre 

Buying a tree too big for our lounge

 The tree from Haskins Garden Centre which was too big for our lounge 

The Swanage Santa Special (if it had snowed it would've looked like this!)

 On the Swanage Railway Santa Special

Choo Choo!

 In awe of Father Christmas 

On the way back home

Practising his dance moves at his cousin's Dance Zone Christmas showcase 

Opening Peppa Pig Space Ship on Christmas day in the morning

 A festive Badger

3 Nov 2015

...dressing up for the Dorset Blind Association

My friend Jaya is charity manager for the Dorset Blind Association. When she asked for Sam and I to attend to help as a table host for her masquerade ball, we donned our masks and headed to the Cumberland Hotel to meet Julian Fellowes.

It was a really fun evening where lots of much needed funds were raised to support partially sighted and blind people throughout Dorset. 

We had a blast, hanging out with our friends that we don't see nearly enough of these days. I must admit the end of the night was very hazy. My tolerance for tequila is not what it used to be and my hang over acted as a massive "I told you so!" the next day.

27 Jul 2015

...Taking Baby's first passport photo

Taking photos of Jesse for his first toddler passport was interesting. After sitting still for a few seconds I resorted to waving a biscuit over Sam's head.
Just had to share the outtakes...

6 Jul 2015

...back to work

Just before Jesse's first birthday I returned to work part-time, three days a week. To quote Justin I am loving it! The perfect balance of mummytime and getting to write and work with my fab LLPR girls and great clients again.

Another bonus is that Jesse is thriving spending a day each with his nanny, nonna and Zia Danni. Its so good to see him come home with a new word or skill he has learnt from all these new experiences. I do know how blessed I am we live close enough to our families to be able to do this.

And I get to do Teddy daycare on a Monday so the cousins get to play together. Its not all sunshine and rainbows though....Jesse has also learnt to assert himself but only to me and his dad (temper tantrums ahoy, lucky us!) he's as good as gold for the grandparents and zias, and long may it last.

Here is a photo recap of the last four months:

My hero Sara got married to her fine man Sam at Orchardleigh House. She is my hero because not only does she save lives working stupid hours all the time but she does all this without a cleaner either. It was Jesse's first wedding and he fell in love with the strings...

Rocking nanny's knitwear

So Jesse is walking, talking, saying please and ta, negotiating and tantruming. During bathtime he chucked water over my head and before I could open my eyes he kissed me, little charmer.

Fish face 

Easter egg hunt with friends

Obsessed with Nanny's watering can, carried it around everywhere for days

 He ran up the drive crying 'Daddy' when Sam went to work one Monday, broke my heart 

For nanny's 60th we went to Lime Wood Hotel

 Both the boys want to be a Hearn

This photo reminds me of an old pic of his Zia Danni playing dress up at his age. I need to dig it out and post it.

Messing about on the river